Barry Devine

Associate Professor of English
PhD, University of Miami
MA, University College Dublin, Ireland
BA, University of Washington

Dr. Devine teaches modern British and Irish literature, Literary Theory, LGBTQ+ Literature, and College Writing. His research interests focus the manuscripts of modern Irish authors, primarily James Joyce. He launched The John Quinn Lecture Series in 2020, and is the Editor-in-Chief of The Rock Creek Review, Heidelberg's international journal of undergraduate literary research.


James Joyce, Irish Modernism, Manuscript Studies, Irish Studies

The pre-publication evolution of modernist Irish texts, revision practices, transatlantic modernism, medical humanities.

Latest Publication 

The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses: The 1922 Text with Essays and Notes (2022). Ed. Catherine Flynn.
In this reproduction of Joyce's first edition of Ulysses, Dr. Devine is one of 18 scholars from around the world chosen to introduce one of the novel's eighteen episodes.  

Barry Devine headshot
Barry Devine
Pfleiderer Hall 303
(419) 448-2047
bdevine [at]